Derek Carter's Website
Welcome to my website. I've posted lots of photos of trains, places I've been, and things I've seen which are funny. I've also posted my Daria fanfic here.
3417 makes an appearance at the 2012 Boston Trolley Meet. |
All photos and videos on this site ©1998-2012 Derek Carter |
- "This fandom is sick. Sick, I tell you. They’ll ship us with everything but the kitchen sink. And then they’ll probably ship us with that too." -"Between a Rock and a Hard Place"
Approximately people have visited this site since 3/16/04 |
- Latest Blog Update
Thoughts on Apple’s iPad Old News (before September 2007) |
Last updated 4/28/12
Contact the webmaster at sd70ace AT carter DOT gamerspage DOT net
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