SITE UPDATE: Transit Day 2009
Monday, October 12th, 2009I just uploaded photos from my last two trips to Seashore on September 27 and October 10. They start with number 211 on this page (in the 5th row). The latter date, btw, was Transit Day, so there was quite a lot happening. In between regular trips to Talbott Park with 1267 and 434D were two photo runbys at Messerve’s Crossing, featuring 01000/0210 and the train of R9s (the “A train”). As with last year, I was in charge of the photo line at Messerve’s. Special rides were done on 01000/0210; the A train; Chicago, North Shore & Milwaulkee interurban car 755; #4 Cambridge-Dorchester car 0719 (making its first trip up the main line in over 25 years); and Wheeling Traction Co. car 639, the latter being for members only, as the shop is still doing finishing touches to it. There was also some stuff involving the buses and trackless trolleys, but I paid little attention to that. Although the day started off rainy when I left Boston, the rain had stopped by the time I reached Portsmouth, NH and the clouds gradually cleared away during the day. The only downside was that my camera’s battery died around 3:30PM, so I missed a few opportunities for shots.
The photos in this update are also the first ones from my new Panasonic ZS3 that I’ve uploaded. The ZS3 replaces my old Canon SD400, with which I’ve become dissatisfied over the years. The new camera takes better photos, with noticeably less noise at higher ISO speeds. It also has a bunch of features which outclass all comparable cameras from Canon, particularly the ability to set a minimum shutter speed to use and to optically zoom while shooting video. It can shoot video at 720P, although the quality is relatively poor.